Are there really different kinds of infidelity?
When people talk about unfaithfulness in relationships they would be wrong to assume that there is only one kind, physical unfaithfulness. There are different kinds, some more dangerous than others.
For example which of these two scenarios would you consider to be the most dangerous to your relationship.1. Partner comes home from the company Christmas party and says they are very sorry, they got drunk and passionately kissed a work colleague on the lips under the mistletoe, they say they are sorry and it won't happen again.
2. Partner comes home from work and says that over the past months they have been spending more time with somebody they work with, they have been talking for hours on end about everything imaginable, they make them laugh and have the same sense of humour. Today, this other person told them that they loved your partner and your partner thinks they feel the same. Nothing physical has happened between them not even a kiss.
If you haven't guessed it scenario two is by far the most dangerous threat to your relationship. Even though nothing physical has happened between your partner and this other person they have still been unfaithful to your relationship, still broken the rules, they have allowed themselves to become emotionally involved with somebody else.
They might say that they couldn't help themselves and the attraction was too strong, they couldn't fight it, but I don't completely buy it.
People make choices, they may only be small ones to begin with but they make them all the same, they chose to spend time alone with this other person they chose to share intimate thoughts and desires, they chose to cross the line between a work colleague (friend) and something more. They knew what they were doing but they went ahead and did it anyway.
I am not passing judgement, these things sometimes happen in life, if your partner has fallen in love with somebody else there is really not a lot you can do about it. The only approach you can really take is to tell them what you want and feel and say "What do you want to do about it"?
The way I see it is they either stay with you or they go, what should be avoided at all costs is some halfway house, where they stay with you but are in love with and still pursuing a relationship with this other person. That path will lead to humiliation, loss of self respect and dignity that there might be no way back from.
So in our opinion YES there are several kinds of unfaithfulness!
Physical Unfaithfulness.The first is straight forward physical unfaithfulness. Your partner has a physical relationship with somebody else, that could mean full sex or some other kind of sexual intimacy somebody might engage in not but the full act of sexual intercourse.
Emotional Unfaithfulness.This could mean that no (or very little), physical sexual intimacy has taken place but your partner is in love with somebody else. They are emotionally committed to that other person, they rely on them for emotional support and confide in them.
Relationship Unfaithfulness. Two people are still together but one or both parties to the relationship are so unhappy that at every opportunity they can they undermine, disrespectful or hateful comments about their partner to others.
If you suspect your partner is being unfaithful to you, simply register them with Fidelity Check Online and let us check them out on our database. Our service is discreet and totally confidential you will be the only one to find out if they are cheating on you!