Tuesday, 23 December 2014

What country has the most Adulterous Wives

Cheating Wives.. The world’s top10 list of unfaithful women

In a survey by the condom manufacturer Durex, on over 29,000 people from 36 different countries showed who were the most likely to commit infidelity and adultery.

Top 10 Most unfaithful married women in the world [by country]

1. Nigerian women:

62% of Nigerian women admitted they have been unfaithful.

2. Thai women:

59% of women living in Thailand admitted they had been unfaithful and had cheated on their husbands. It is claimed that many Thai husbands allow their wives to commit adultery.

3. British women:

A UNLV article on infidelity and extramarital affairs noted that Britain have unfaithfulness rates of 42%, The UK is said to experience a high rate of women cheating within relationships.

4. Malaysian women:

33% of Malaysians in general are known to cheat on their partners. 39% of the Malaysian women, in particular, are known to betray their marriage vows.

5. Russian women:

33% of Russian women admitted to cheating. Interestingly enough, the adulterer is not the one to blame in Russia. The finger points towards the person who kindles the affair. The Russians tend to blame the women for the affair (whoever started it) and that has been the tradition for 100s of years.

6. Singaporean women:

Durex also established that 19% of women in Singapore are known to be unfaithful.

7. French women:

Women in France are 16.3% likely to commit adultery. Men are 22% likely. A Huffington Post article believes that France makes adultery mandatory – 93% of the population is committing it.

8. American women:

61% of Americans believe that adultery should not be a crime.

9. Italian women:

14% of married women in Italy admitted to having an affair once during their married life. The judicial system in Italy has decriminalized adultery for married women. Women in Italy now can lie about having an affair to protect their honour.

10. Indian women:

Indian Women are also revealed to be adulterous. Adultery is considered as a crime in India and is placed under Chapter XX, which deals with offenses relating to the sacrament of marriage.

Interestingly no mention of the Scandinavians who are either very loyal or very discreet.

All in all, 50-65% of husbands and 40-55% of wives admitted to have have an affair before
they are 40.

How to check out a cheating wife?

Monday, 10 November 2014

Once a cheat always a cheat?

People who have cheated in relationships in the past are more likely to do so yet again, they will even cheat on the very person with whom they cheated with the first place.

If a person has cheated once they are far more likely cheat again, even on the new partner.

A team of researchers has observed certain common patterns in three different surveys about “mate poaching”, a term used to describe stealing another persons boyfriend, partner of husband.

The results of a survey found quotes;
 “we observed reliable evidence that individuals who were poached by their current romantic partners were less committed, less satisfied, and less invested in their relationships. They also paid more attention to romantic alternatives, perceived their alternatives to be of higher quality and engaged in higher rates of infidelity compared to non-poached participants.”

A man or woman who allows themselves to be “poached” by somebody else and have cheated on their ex-partner, will more often than not tend to think the grass will always be greener elsewhere.

The logic of the findings is that: if somebody is prepared to cast aside their self-respect and cheat on a partner in the past, why would they not be willing to do exactly the same again if tempted? In a similar study by the University of Denver the researchers found that people who have been unfaithful in the past are 3.5 times more likely to “do it again” by cheating with someone else, at the cost of their latest partner.

But, then, do we really need these studies to prove what many of us know and understand already, the expression ‘A leopard never changes its spots’ springs to mind. If a person was able to justify bad behavior in the past, it is likely, given a similar set of circumstances, they will be minded to do exactly the same again.



Sunday, 12 October 2014

Hiring a Private Investigator in Thailand

How to find and hire a trustworthy Phuket, Phuket and Bangkok private investigators specializing in cheating Thai girlfriends

Trusted since 2013 FidelityCheckOnline.com functions differently than traditional private investigators in Thailand. Our agency serves as an alternative for men with girlfriends in Thailand and the far east who want to check and monitor if they are being faithful or have other secret boyfriends. Concerned clients use our database to register their girlfriend details.

Every 24 hours our computer software compares all of her data to discover if she has other secret boyfriends. It is simple, quick, confidential and inexpensive. Because we search on all a girlfriend’s details including social media and dates of birth we can even establish if she is meeting other guys using a different name.

It’s easy to register, completely confidential, inexpensive and the largest database of its kind in Thailand and the world.

Hiring a Private Detective in Thailand General Principals

All Phuket, Bangkok and Phuket Private Investigators, like private detectives all over the world, have to follow strict ethical standards. They need to protect the identity of their clients and conduct ethical, safe and thorough investigations.

Above all Thailand’s private investigators must protect the information they collect and ensure it is not lost, transferred or fall into the wrong hands.

Different countries have their own ways of ensuring that private investigators ensure that the information and data they collect is kept safe, in the UK private investigators are regulated by the Data protection Act and the Information Commissioners Office.

Selecting a private investigator in Thailand’s Phuket, Phuket or Bangkok

The same care should be taken selecting your Thai private detective as you would take if you were selecting a lawyer or doctor. Don’t pick a private investigator just because they have the biggest or expensive looking website, it means nothing.

Be warned there are many private detectives, all over the world who have no formal training or experience and have, in effect, just woken up one morning and decided to try being a private investigator. The investigator should be qualified, experienced and if possible a member of a trade association.

FidelityCheckOnline.com follows a strict code of ethics. Although we operate in almost every country, many of our investigations are conducted in Thailand, in particular Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok our clients can be assured we follow the rules of the UK and the Association of British Investigators.

To perform all professional duties in accordance with the highest moral principles and never be guilty of conduct which will bring reproach upon the profession of the private investigator or the association of which it is a member.
  • To verify the credentials of the clients and that they have lawful and moral reasons to instruct an investigation.

  • To respect the privacy of clients and their lawful confidences

  • To ensure that the services are adequately secure to protect privacy and guard against inadvertent disclosure of private information.

  • To ensure that all employees and persons paid to assist in investigation adhere to this code of ethics and accept responsibility thereof

  • To conduct all investigations within the bounds of legality, morality and professional ethics

  • To respect the best interests of our clients by maintaining the highest standard of proficiency and reporting to our clients all the facts ascertained whether they are advantageous or detrimental, with nothing being withheld from the clients save by dictates of law
At all times FidelityCheckOnline.com treats information with which we are entrusted during the course of our private investigation business with respect and access or disclose it only for the purposes for which it is intended; attending to all instructions within the principles of the prevailing privacy legislation and in particular if controlling personal data to be so notified with the Information Commissioner of the UK.

A spokesperson for FidelityCheckOnline.com said today “we specialise in exposing unfaithful and cheating girlfriends and are proud that we have such high ethical standards. In all the time we have been conducting investigations we have never had our systems or data compromised and never disclosed the name of any of our clients. The identity of our clients is strictly confidential and our operation is very discreet”.

You can register your Thai girlfriend for as little as US1$ a day. The sites detectives will warn you if she is also in a relationship with another of its thousands of clients with girlfriends in Thailand.


Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Nigerian Romance Scams Online

Nigerian online romance scams: Australian victim manages to recover some of her money after police investigation

Police have helped a Perth woman recover some of her money after she sent a scammer hundreds of thousands of dollars in a Nigerian romance scam online according to a report from ABC Australia.

It is understood she has recovered about $100,000, which equates to about 40% of the money she sent to the overseas scammer. The woman is the first known Western Australia romance fraud victim to get any money back from an overseas scammer.

The victim (51) told a local radio that she started a relationship with a man she met on the internet calling himself Gary in 2013 on the online dating website RSVP.

Unknown to her the photo had been stolen off of the internet website and the scammers (from Nigeria) had created a fake profile for Gary. The scammers sent her messages of love and romance followed by requests for money for a business-related crisis.

The victim said "We developed a relationship online fairly rapidly, and soon he started requesting money and I sent those sums of money after about six weeks," she said.

"I was simply looking for companionship after my divorce and never thought there would be such cruel con artists looking to capitalize on loneliness”.

"When he was wanting me to send his money back via me, I realized there was something really wrong here and asked some questions, I ended up seeking advice from the police, who confirmed it was a scam."

Detectives said that they were working with Nigerian police authorities, who arrested a suspect and later charged him with obtaining money under false pretences. Australian police said the scammers often worked in syndicates and it was their fourth arrest working with the Nigerian police and that there was an ongoing good relationship between them.

Police said they had a breakthrough in the case when they found fingerprints on a document the Nigerian scammer sent to Jenny, which matched a person known to the Nigerian police.

Online Romance Scam victim feels 'lucky' and overjoyed!

The scam victim said she had already resigned herself to the fact that she would never see the money again and was overjoyed when the bank agreed to refund some of the money she sent to the conman. Now the victim can’t believe she fell for the scam.

FCOL anti romance scam expert said today “This lady has been very lucky to get money back. We can only restate our previous advice, never send money to somebody you have met on a dating or social media site and never met in person, more advice can be found on our blogs.

Typically, but not exclusively, romance scammers claim to their victims that they are westerners rather than Nigerian and working abroad as engineers or military personnel. Often when grooming their victims they will tell them very early in the relationship that they are in love with them and have met their ‘soul mate’.

If you register the person you have met on a dating site FCOL can tell you if they are in a relationship with another of our many clients and a potential romance scammer

Friday, 5 September 2014

Scammers target Christian Dating Sites

Popular Christian Dating Sites are being targeted by overseas scammers who see Christians as easy targets. 

Scammers are creating false profiles on Christian dating sites like CatholicDatingForFree.com and ChristianConection.co.uk meeting members and then asking for money or personal information that they then use to their financial gain.
Christian Connection Website

These scammers are usually based in Eastern Europe or West Africa, the information and photographs these scammers put on their Christian Dating site profile is usually stolen from other parts of the internet without the permission or knowledge of the victims.

Scammers sometimes target particular individuals on sites like Catholic Dating For Free and use
psychiatrists to produce profiles and conversations that will be most likely to put their victims at
ease and persuade them to send them the money or information they request.

Often the scammers create false emergencies to ask for money, some examples are as follows;

• Problems at the airport while trying to visit you.

• Money for airline tickets.

• Children in hospital and money needed for bills.

• If they claim they are running a business, money needed because of money flow problems.

The list is inexhaustible and new fake excuses are being invented every day to con you out of your money.

Scammers will often tell their potential victims that they ‘love them’ very early in the relationship,
this is in order that they can move the relationship on quickly so that they can ask for money to be
sent to them.

These scammers target Christian dating sites such as Catholic Dating for Free because Christians
believe in God, ‘Love’ and ‘Faith’. It is no coincidence; they think Catholics are an easy target.

Never send money to somebody you have met on the internet on sites like Catholic Dating for Free
and have never met in person. Catholic dating For Free is a great site for Catholics to meet for friendship and romance and please do not let this warning discourage you from joining but be aware the site and similar dating sites are being targeted by heartless scammers who might break your heart and steal your money.

There intent is to romance you ad then take your money when your defenses are down.

Read more about Internet Romance Scams at FidelityCheckOnline.com blog.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Why use Fidelity Check Online

What are the benefits of using FidelityCheckOnline.com?

We are often asked "what are the benefits of joining our site and becoming one of our members" to give you an insight into our services that we offer we have highlighted, what we consider to be some of the main advantages of registering a suspected cheater with us. 

  • Thousands of members with from all over the world. A totally confidential service, we guarantee the person you have registered and the person we are investigating will never find out from us that they are being monitored or have been registered.

• The site is operated by professional, qualified, experienced private investigators.

• The largest and only site of its kind in the world.

• Informative and Insightful newsletters and blogs.

• A worldwide client base (wherever you live in the world you can register your girlfriend and the site works exactly the same).

• Inexpensive and far less expensive than hiring a private detective.

• Find out if your girlfriend is cheating with another member within 24 hours.

• As long as you remain a client of the site there are daily checks to tell you if your girlfriend has been newly registered by another client.

• All clients will receive a weekly update on the status of the person they have registered and can check at any time themselves by logging onto the site.

• The site works even if the girlfriend has changed her name or details to avoid detection.

• Although FidelityCheckOnline.com is the biggest site of its kind in the world our clients still get the individual attention of an experienced private detective allocated to their case who double checks the facts and any matching identification.

• If there is a possible match and evidence of infidelity and both of the clients agree, we can put them in touch with each other to exchange experiences and confirm the identification.


Is your Russian or Ukrainian girlfriend cheating?

Check if your Russian or Ukrainian girlfriend is being faithful with Fidelity Check Online, it is easy quick, inexpensive and strictly confidential.

Private Detective’s using the latest computer software specializing in uncovering infidelity and unfaithfulness. We can tell you whether your girlfriend or potential bride is behaving dishonestly and with insincerity.

FidelityCheckOnline.com is a unique website that can check if your Ukrainian or Russian girlfriend is being faithful and not meeting or corresponding with other men behind your back. Just register your girlfriend and leave the rest to us, we will warn you if we think she is a cheater.

• The site is operated by qualified, professional, experienced private investigators.

Once you have registered your girlfriend our detectives can tell you within 24 hours if she is also in a relationship with another of our thousands of clients.

As long as you remain a member of the site we will carry on checking every day to see if she is registered by somebody else who considers to her to be in a relationship with them.

Unfortunately some unscrupulous internet dating sites that specialize in finding Russian and Ukrainian brides and girlfriends have used the opportunity to scam men out of their money. Some sites even employ girls to make contact with as many men as possible and ‘lead them on’ so that they spend money on the site and even encourage men to travel to meet them.

Although the men might travel thousands of miles at great expense in reality the girls have no intention of leaving Russia or the Ukraine. They do not want to get married or involved in any kind of romantic relationship with the man they have met on the dating site.

They just want the men they are in contact with to stay on the site and spend their hard earned money.

Although FidelityCheckOnline.com is the biggest site of its kind in the world our clients still get an individual detective allocated to their case who double checks the facts and any matching identification.

Thousands of western men are looking for beautiful Russian or Ukrainian women who want to live in the west and follow traditional family values.

But long distance relationships can be problematic and the opportunity for deception and scams become easier. More and more men who are either looking for a bride or in a long distance relationship with a Russian or Ukrainian girl are turning to our service to register the girl they have met on a dating site check if she is in a relationship with anybody else is and is honest and truthful about her intentions.

FidelityCheckOnline.com works even if the girlfriend has changed her details to avoid detection

The site is operated by experienced ex Scotland Yard detectives who specialize in identifying Russian and Ukrainian girlfriends and brides who are engaged in romantic or financial fraud. We are repeatedly asked by our male clients about how they can protect themselves from dating, marriage and relationship scams when they live thousands of miles away from the person they are in a relationship with – in other words, foreign girlfriends who cheat with multiple boyfriends, and/or encourage them to part with their money for their own personal gain.

FidelitycheckOnline.com is totally confidential, we guarantee the person you have registered and the person we are investigating will never find out from us that they are being monitored or have been registered.

As an investigator specializing in Russian and Ukrainian dating and marriage site frauds, it appears fraud is becoming more prevalent and honesty is in short supply and men who visit the sites must be constantly on their guard against fraud, confidence tricks and insincerity.

For less than US$1 a day we will monitor your Russian or Ukrainian girlfriend for you and warn you
of infidelity or deception. FidelityCheckOnline.com is far less expensive than hiring a local private detective to check on your girlfriends fidelity!

Monday, 4 August 2014

Dangers of Not Performing in the Bedroom!

Man shot by his lover for not producing enough ejaculate.

Oakland County prosecutors are fighting the release on bond of convicted shooter Sadie Bell after she admitted she shot her lover over his performance in bed.

Sadie Bell was convicted this April of assault with intent to do great bodily harm for shooting her boyfriend, Edward Lee, in the stomach in January of 2013 — but a court has now granted bail pending an appeal.

Sadie Bell Booking in Photo

Chief Assistant Prosecutor Paul Walton said that Bell admitted to police that she had sex with Lee at her apartment, then shot him over his poor performance in bed. She also accused Lee of being a cheater and having affairs.

The court heard that bell had been having a 15 year relationship with the victim, Mr Lee. The prosecutor Paul Walton said that “after a sexual act that she felt he wasn’t performing adequately and accused him then of having an affair, and then took out a gun and shot him.”

Prosecutors said that Bell was “very graphic”, and made a very detailed statement to police explaining exactly why she shot her lover. "She stated that she knew he was having an affair because he wasn’t producing enough ejaculate,” “She also said to the police some very graphic things about how she expected him to perform. In essences she said she was ‘pissed off’, so she shot him.”

Bell had been sentenced to 20 months to 10 years in prison for the shooting and further two years on the gun charge; but her attorney asked the court to grant her bond pending appeal — and the court granted it.

Prosecutors are appealing granting of the the bond ruling. The court ordered a $10,000 cash bond, which Bell hadn’t posted as of Thursday. Walton said Lee, who suffered wounds to his colon and pancreas from the shooting , nearly died and was hospitalized for six weeks. He is still recovering from his injuries.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Scammers move in on Christian Dating Sites

Christians using dating sites are being selected as easy targets by scammers looking for money!

Professional scam artists are contacting Christians and befriending dating site users and fraudulently asking for money. Most of the scammers are based in West Africa (Nigeria) or Eastern Europe and use photographs and profiles stolen from other sites on the internet to create fake profiles to convince Christian
dating site users that they meet they are god fearing and trustworthy people looking for friendship and romance.

 The scammers (let’s call them ‘Romance Scammers) profiles give every appearance of being genuine Christians and the fake profiles usually claim that they are western men or women working or travelling abroad. It is thought that it is the trusting and forgiving nature of the Christian faith that make Christian dating sites so attractive to scammers.

Another factor is that Christians registered on Christian dating sites do so in the mistaken belief that they are in contact with other Christians with the same values, belief system and moral stance as themselves.

Kim TUFFIN from FidelityCheckOnline commented “Christians joining Christian dating sites such as ChristianMingle.com should not let their guard down and assume they are dating somebody who has the same belief system as themselves, our research indicates that scammers are targeting these sites and in our opinion it is because the scammers consider Christians could be easy targets for fraud and deception”.

Most of the romance scammers operate from West Africa, with Nigeria identified as a worldwide centre of criminal activities. Nigeria is well known for its networks of criminal gangs, ironically 50.4% of the country is Muslim and nearly 2% of the population are other religions so Christians meeting a scammer on a Christian dating site might not even be in communication with a person of the same faith.

More and more Christians who are using Christian dating sites are joining cheater checking sites like Fidelity Check Online to check out the person they have met on a dating or social media site or the internet. Once the person they have met is registered the sites software can identify if the person has posted multiple profiles and is a romance scammer it looks for similarities in the profiles and the information they have given, if a possible match is found the members can be contacted and discreetly warned they might be the target of a scammer by one of the sites professional investigators.


Thursday, 31 July 2014

Looking for Love on Dating Sites

Looking for love on dating sites might be easy and convenient but just because it is easy does not mean daters should not take precautions and research the person they have met before meeting them in person.

Just because you have met somebody through a dating site does not mean they are legitimate or telling the truth about themselves and their intentions” Kim Tuffin from the trusted site FidelityCheckOnline.com said today. “You’ve just have to take precautions and be careful as you would in any other dating situation.

The good thing about dating sites is that they give you ability to get to know somebody anonymously. To begin with you don't have to give out any personal details; you should your name, your phone number home and business address secret and private.

When and if you reach the point where you're you feel comfortable giving up that anonymity and decide to actually meet the person then you should still do so with caution.

As a rule its always good practice, that when you meet for the first time, take appropriate precautions for example always meet in a public place and always remember just because you have met in person does not mean you have to immediately lay your whole life details out on a plate.

You can still talk in generalities, for example if your date asks you where you live, give a general area rather than a complete address.

Though the internet and dating sites have become a popular way of finding love, it also creates plenty of opportunities for deception so initially always be on your guard. Dating sites almost always feature safety tips, but they are nearly always located in the small print of the dating site, they would be far better prominently displayed.

If you like the person you have met on a dating site you might feel the need do some due diligence and checking before the actual date. This need may well increase if you think you want to meet the person again and the relationship could have a future. You should always take steps to protect yourself and your family.

Private investigators can help check out the person you have met, whether you're pursuing someone you met online or otherwise.

Thousands of people all over the world are finding themselves in the same situation, they have met somebody on a dating site but before they take the step of introducing them to their family they want to discreetly check them out to see if they could pose a danger.

Some hire a private investigator and some become clients of FidelityCheckOnline.com, the site will check to see if the person they have met is known to another one of its members.

The FidelityCheckOnline.com site may even be able to identify people if they have used fake names or personal details. It is inexpensive, confidential and very discreet.

Further details on safer Internet dating can be found on our site at:.FidelityCheckOnline.com


Judge falls asleep during trial

UK England; Crown Court Judge 'falls asleep' during important child rape case

The case was abandoned after the judge fell asleep and will be re-listed for another trail as soon as possible.

26 July 2014 in Manchester England, a Crown Court judge is being investigated by the Conduct Investigations Office after he was accused of falling asleep in the middle of a child rape trial being held at
Manchester Crown Court, forcing it to be abandoned.

Barristers for the defence and prosecution complained Recorder (judge) Philip Cattan nodded off as an alleged victim was cross-examined by the defence barrister. As a result of the alleged incident the trial was abandoned will now have to be re-listed as the jury had to be dismissed.

The Judicial Conduct Investigations Office said it was investigating the allegation and that no comment could be made until their investigation was finished. Mr Cattan is a recorder, who is an experienced barrister who usually spends between 15 and 30 days a year sitting in as trial judge.

If the Conduct Investigations Office find Mr Cattan guilty of misconduct any disciplinary action will be decided by the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice.

Former solicitor general Vera Baird commented that she was shocked and had "real concerns" over what is alleged to have happened.

Kim TUFFIN of FCOL said today, “if this allegation and what is reported is true it is the public who will have to pick up the cost of this abandoned trial and any forthcoming trial, the total bill could run into hundreds of thousands of pounds. Giving evidence in a case like this is traumatic enough for the victims without having to go through the whole thing again, it is a disgusting waste of time and money and hugely
disrespectful towards the victims”.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Police Chief accused of Creating False Profiles on Dating Sites

Wisconsin police chief who is accused of signing tea party boss up for gay dating sites to be charged

Wisconsin prosecutors intend to charge a Wisconsin police chief with a misdemeanor for allegedly registering a tea party leader onto gay dating, federal health care and pornography websites.

Monroe County District Attorney told of his plans to charge Town of Campbell Police Chief Tim Kelemen with unlawful use of a computerized communication system.

Kelemen would face up to $1,000 fine and 90 days in jail if convicted of the offense, but would still be permitted fulfill his duties of police chief. Only those with felony convictions or misdemeanor convictions related to domestic violence are excluded from being police officers.

Concerned that signs on on a local bridge were distracting drivers, Kelemen convinced the town board to pass a law banning signs, banners and flags on the bridge this angered tea party supporters. Kelemen and his attorney say that tea party leader Greg Luce retaliated by urging his supporters across the country to bombard the police department with harassing phone calls and threats.

Luce started receiving calls and emails from gay dating, healthcare and porn websites, La Crosse investigators tracked some of the internet activity to a computer at Kelemen's home and the Campbell town hall.

The police chief initially said he knew nothing about the fake profiles he had posted on websites but later acknowledged he had signed Luce up for them in revenge for harassing his police department. He said he reported the harassment to the department of Justice (DOJ) but that agency declined to help him.

The police chief is due to appear in court Thursday July 22nd 2014. Luce has filed a civil lawsuit in federal court, accusing Kelemen of stealing his identity and that the bridge ordinance violates his free-speech rights. That case is still pending.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

ScumAlert: Blossoms.com Cherryblossoms.com SCAM WARNING

These Thai and Filipino dating sites are full of scammers, just after your money. Never send money to somebody you have never met no matter how serious they say the need is or how little it is. If you wang to give your money away give it to a local charity. This scammer may not even be the sex you think they are. It's a business for them, they probably have 20 or 30 fake profiles.

Take care enjoy yourself but don't fall in love with somebody you have never met in person and never send money.


Sunday, 23 March 2014

Sponsor a Thai Bar Girl!

Are you sponsoring Your Thai Girl Friend! What is sponsoring, why do you want to sponsor her, and how much you should sponsor?

Sponsor a Thai Bar Girl

Men, visiting Thailand, the, ‘land of smiles’ enjoy the bars, hot weather and disco’s with their loud music and stunning hostesses. Visitors spending time in the presence of an (equally hot) young lady who constantly reminds them how handsome you are in exchange for their company and a few drinks can be quite intoxicating but remember, these girls are professionals, professionals in extracting every bit cash from the gullible walking ATM’S (there name for us), You and I.

After spending a few days, and nights! With the new love of their life the enamored holiday maker exchanges contact details, says goodbye and returns home to reality. His new "Thai Girl Friend” will want to keep in touch and will contact him every opportunity.

The conversations may soon turn to appeals for support and Thai bar girls seem to have the knack of crying at will. She may well ask you to send her cash for an emergency or for her family who apparently have a major problem on their farm in some far off part of Thailand.

Or she simply asks for money to support her so she no longer as to work in the bar as she doesn’t like going with the customers. If you decide to send her money each month, and it is likely to be as much as you can afford, you have become a sponsor and are now officially sponsoring your girlfriend.

People might label it as foolish! Why, they ask, you would want to send your hard earned money to someone you have only just met and have known for only a short period of time. Nobody is saying that all bar girls are intent on ripping you off but, the chance that you have found “the one” is very remote. The chances are she has another sponsors already or even multiple sponsors all sending her money and all thinking they are the only one in her life.

Speaking as an ex- sponsor I can see how sponsoring happens. They call the need to ‘rescue’ somebody living in what might be considered, by western standards, squalid and sad conditions as the ‘white knight’ syndrome. The truth, however, is often completely different. Many of the bar girls like their life, they like sitting around, chatting, eating spicy food and joking.

Having sex with strangers is a small price to pay for the comparative luxury of not working on the family farm in the blistering hot sun, day after day.... but I digress.

This blog is for sponsors everywhere, Thailand, India, Philippines, Bali, Turkey, Africa the West Indies. Everywhere westerners, men and women, holiday and end up sponsoring somebody they have met because they like them, or love them, or even feel sorry for them.

This blog is where sponsors can chat about fears and concerns, exchange views, or the cheapest ways of sending money abroad. Being a sponsor can be a lonely existence, people at home can’t understand why you send money to somebody you can only be with a few weeks a year. Sponsor’s can’t be sure their partners are being faithful, or if they are being unfaithful and in other relationships and if so are these people sending them money as well as them.

Is the relationship going anywhere are you throwing money away and being made to look stupid, is the relationship just a waste of time?

Thursday, 23 January 2014

The French and Infidelity


Infidelity most  French think it’s ok !

The French are the most forgiving nation in the world  when it comes to having affairs it was revealed in a recent study by the pew Research Centre in a study in 2013. The study was undertaken well before the present French President Francois Hollande was allegedly caught visiting his actress girlfriend Julie Gayet during his lunch break in Paris (he would pull up outside her flat on a motor scooter wearing a full face crash helmet). However the people in the US are not so forgiving and rank 28th on the list just behind Ghana and Brazil.
The study researched people from 39 countries about attitudes towards extra marital affairs asking them the question "Do you personally believe that married people having an affair is morally acceptable, morally unacceptable or is not a moral issue?"
France was the most forgiving with only 47% saying it was morally unacceptable and a huge 77% (source French institute of Public Opinion) said the alleged affair was a private matter which meant only 23% thought the matter was a matter of public concern.

So how did the rest of the world compare to the French in the ‘ affairs are unacceptable stakes’ ? Germany 2nd with 60%, Italy 65%, Spain 64% and South Africa 65%. See the entire list here.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Thailand Illegal Immigration Concerns

Thai Immigration Police  Crackdown in North-East Thailand

Immigration Police in North East Thailand have announced the begining of an initiative on foreigners entering Thailand posing as tourists, who they suspect working illegally in the Kingdom, a  seminar for immigration officers was told on Monday.in Khon Kaen.

This latest crackdown is to also going to target foreigners on border runs and those who have entered and re-entered Thailand a number of times using tourist visas over a prolonged period of time.

After an wide ranging and thorough investigation into foreign visitors the Immigration Department Thailand has found repeated patterns of immigration irregularities, with some foreign nationals re-entering the country up to 60 times, but each only for a duration of between 15 and 30 days.


Further investigations revealed that out of those people who regularly re-entered Thailand, very large numbers came from neighboring countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia,Laos and Myanmar, with many working in restaurants, factories, and construction sites and the fishing industry

Immigration Police have now stepped up their operations all across all the twenty provinces in the northeast of Thailand and in particular in the areas of Mukdahan, Nong Khai Ubon and Ratchathani all  of which are widely used by people re-entering Thailand on border runs.

Officers have also been instructed to  closely scrutinise  each individual, regardless of what country they come from, in deciding whether to deny them entry to the kingdom.

40,000 foreigners blacklisted

High tech identity scanning machines will be installed at entry points throughout North Thailand and electronic processing will also be brought in nationwide. All data will then be cross-referenced with the central immigration database which a wealth of detailed information on the 40,000 foreigners who are presently blacklisted from entering Thailand.

Checkpoint data will also be used to help combat people suspected of smuggling or transportation of illegal goods into Thailand, as well as in assisting in national security issues.

Immigration officers were warned of the harsh penalties they can expect to face should they be found to be illegally involved in any corrupt practices with regards to assisting, aiding or abetting foreigners who enter Thailand illegally.